Friday 3 September 2010

It's the final countdown.....

September cometh which means just 4 weeks left at work.  I feel in limbo at the moment and just want to get going but needs must and I'll be here until the bitter end.

This job-hunting in London lark is proving tiresome and I think I was a bit naive to think I'd find a job I havn't.  Not only have I not found one but I'm struggling to even get so much as a response from most agencies.  Now I know they must have a huge amount of applications but surely they must see that I have great skills & a good work record - mustn't they??????  So the job hunt continues and my days are filled with Gumtree, Reed Employment and SecsintheCity scanning....constantly....waiting for that one employer to see something amazing in me and give me a call.  I think it'd be a whole lot easier if I just wanted a plain old admin job and a salary of £20k but I want more than that, on both counts. 

September is going to be another crazy social month with 2 nights out next week, Brighton Food Festival, Ace Cafe Reunion (woot), Goodwood Revival, my birthday (not so woot!) and the (badly named) My Generation mod night.

Inbetween all that and closing down our office, I'm downsizing at home so, when the time comes, I won't have so much crap to take to London.  I'm not sentimental about so many things I once was, and have binned tons of things that now mean nothing to me.  It's quite therapeutic actually but is taking forever - only one room down so far.  Some lucky charity shop is going to get a big pile of old stuff that I would keep if I could, but can't....and certainly can't muster up the enthusiasm to post on ebay.

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